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Meet Mackie

Mackie featured on the show  to share that with you his son is also called David but he goes by Jamie . Mackie was born in  the 70s but retain the body of a 30 year old, which he steadfastly refuse to give back.  Mackie his known for my series of wartime histories of RAF Bomber Command squadrons and published lots of  fiction, Time Link, a rollercoaster of a novel (a phrase stolen from Blackadder), which draws on my extensive knowledge of WWII Bomber Command and his belief in reincarnation.

Mackie enjoy’s Visiting battlefields from the Two World Wars remains a fascinating, rewarding and moving experience. A century after World War 1 and some 75 years since World War 2, the debt we owe to those generations remains strong and the legacy of Remembrance they have left us prompts many to teach people  about the history and Battlefield to ask more: who is the solider in that faded photo at home? What was that name on the local war memorial? What did grandad do, and how did his war fit into the bigger picture?

These are just the sort of questions myself and my son of dedicated Specialist in this area of history get asked on a typical day talking about the history of our armed forces. We are there to help you decipher all the military jargon and understand a past that touched us all – so that we, too, can continue with the legacy and ensure the sacrifice and service are never forgotten. Mackie normally on a week day can be seen at Raf Coningsby or East Kirkby.

Mackie has a big interesting in tanks and half tracks having modelled almost every tank and has track and researched them and loves D Day and everything about it .

For Mackie and his family history with the battle of the somme   2017 marked another special period of anniversaries for the First World War as it was the centenary of the battles of 1917. These were some of the biggest, bloodiest battles of the war and many have become not only household names, but come to symbolise the war itself in some ways. The Battle of Passchendaele is a good example of this: think of this battle and one imagines a lunar landscape of water filled shell holes, on a rain soaked landscape.

Mackie teach us that the experience of war like this was about ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances: that these men and women who served saw the best and worst of life as carnage raged around them, and it was an experience that changed them forever.

On the show Mackie makes  we discover that freedom is never free and the huge cemeteries bring that home in a way that is only possible on such a show. Since his first show Mackie aim is to ‘bring history alive’: guiding and teaching the history to make  is not just a job, but a passio  to remember, understand and never forget.

Mackie his seemingly never-ending collection of memorabilia ‘acquired’ in that war. A child of the 60’s ‘Airfix’ generation, this grew into a passion for learning and teaching people . Mackie has studied history and his a leading British historian and television and radio presenter.


Meet Jamie

Jamie has spent most of his youth studying about the history of the 1st and 2rd world war his passion is the Royal Air Force Jamie’s lifelong interest in military history began with tales from my Grandfather of his WW2 experiences been in the Air Force his family been a  soldier serving with the 8th Army in the Western Desert . My Aim few making the video you see his to gives a good overview of the conflict in the main areas and history of the war, especially for those who have not visited before. Those researching family members who fought in the First and second  World War find it helps to put many things into context and help you understanding what really happened Jamie’s Most Memorable Experience
After some time researching was been able to take one of his relatives to the exact place that her uncle, serving as a 19-year-old Subaltern in the Royal Sussex Regiment, was buried in a field grave following his death during ‘Operation Jamie’; helped by the meticulous record keeping of the Graves Registration Unit.  Jamie has studied history and his a leading British historian and television and radio presenter.



Meet Pam


The Highly succesfull entrepreneur and History Investor spends her time between Yorkshire  and her Somerset Home which she shares with her husband Mackie, 2 cats, 3 Dogs, 6 Horse, 3 Pigs, 4 sheep numerous birds and 3 very Angry geese and her children


From a very early age Pam went into testing Car's as a electronic test engineer following her dad's footsteps as Frank her Dad was a engineer and pilot in world war 2 .


pam has grown up with the Armed forces  and the world of aviation inspiring her to carry on teaching people the history of her Dad and Family and his the General Manager of the work we carry out few our broadcasting work.

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